Top 10 Succession Planning Metrics

Fulllancers Team


1. Bench Strength

A strong bench means more internal candidates are prepared for leadership positions.

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2. Time to Fill Key Roles

Tracks how long it takes to fill critical positions. Shorter times indicate a successful succession plan.

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3. Internal Promotion Rate

A higher rate suggests that the succession plan is effective in developing internal talent.

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4. Successor Readiness

Evaluates how prepared potential successors are to take on key roles. This metric may include assessments of skills, experience, and development progress.

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5. Leadership Retention Rate

Measures how well the organization retains individuals identified as potential successors.

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6. Successor Turnover Rate

A high turnover rate can signal issues with the succession plan or with engagement strategies.

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7. Development Plan Completion

Tracks the percentage of identified successors who complete their development plans.

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8. Diversity of Successor Pool

Assesses the diversity within the pool of identified successors. A diverse successor pool is crucial for fostering inclusive leadership.

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9. Successor Performance in New Roles

Evaluates how well successors perform after they have stepped into new roles.

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10. Time to Productivity

Measures how long it takes for successors to reach full productivity in their new roles.

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