How to Build a Cost-effective International Team in 2024

July 23, 2024
How to Build a Cost-effective International Team in 2024

Economic pressures in 2024 demand growth alongside smart spending and strategic talent acquisition. Remote work unlocks a powerful solution: building cost-effective international teams. While unfamiliar territory might cause hesitation, research shows 60% of companies anticipate becoming even more remote.  In today's globally connected work environment, location matters less. Don't miss out on top talent – expand your hiring horizons! This blog equips you with the knowledge to find exceptional international talent, navigate legal hurdles, and maximize your budget. Build a diverse, high-performing global team and unlock a strategic advantage in the 2024 marketplace.

Where do you look for international hires?

The traditional tech hubs – London, Tokyo, New York City, Paris – have long been magnets for international recruiters. While these cities undoubtedly boast exceptional talent, their popularity often translates to higher hiring costs. In today's economic climate, where budget efficiency reigns supreme, companies seeking top-tier international talent are increasingly venturing beyond these familiar grounds.

This shift presents a thrilling opportunity to tap into a global pool of skilled individuals residing in underserved markets. These regions offer a wealth of benefits for forward-thinking businesses:

  1. Cost Advantages: Compensation packages in many underserved markets tend to be more competitive for companies, allowing you to attract highly qualified individuals without breaking the bank.
  2. Diverse Skillsets: By venturing outside the usual hiring grounds, you gain access to a wider range of experiences and educational backgrounds, fostering a more diverse and innovative workforce.
  3. Untapped Potential: Underserved markets often harbor a wealth of talent eager to prove themselves on the global stage. By offering the right opportunity, you can secure highly motivated individuals who may not have been on the radar of other companies.

Here's a glimpse into some of the most promising regions to explore for international hires in 2024:

  1. Asia-Pacific: Look beyond established giants like Singapore and Hong Kong. Consider Melbourne, Australia, a dynamic tech hub with a highly educated workforce and a reputation for fostering a strong work-life balance.
  2. Latin America: Mexico City, Mexico, offers a burgeoning tech scene brimming with young talent. The city boasts a large pool of individuals eager to contribute to innovative projects at competitive rates.
  3. Europe: Move beyond the usual suspects like London and Paris. Helsinki, Finland, is a hotbed for innovation with a well-educated population and a strong focus on technological development.
  4. South America: Don't overlook the potential of South America. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, boasts a tech-savvy population with a growing number of startups. This city offers access to a diverse talent pool with a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

These are just a few starting points. By conducting in-depth research into specific industries and skill sets, companies can discover a wealth of hidden gems within the global talent pool. By embracing a more nuanced approach to international hiring, businesses can unlock a world of possibilities, secure top-tier talent, and gain a significant competitive edge in the global marketplace.

Determining Fair Compensation for Your International Team in 2024

Finding the sweet spot between attracting top talent and staying within budget is crucial when building an international team. Here's what you need to consider when determining compensation for your international hires in 2024:

1. Fairness vs. Market Rates:

Global Salary Benchmarking:  While replicating San Francisco-level salaries globally isn't feasible for most companies, strive for fairness. Aim to offer a similar standard of living for employees performing the same role, regardless of location.

2. Transparency and Flexibility:

Salary Calculators:  Consider using a custom-designed salary calculator like Buffer's. This allows potential hires to estimate their compensation based on factors like experience and location. 

Salary Ranges with Adjustments:  A system like Remote's, which utilizes a base benchmark with multipliers for performance and location, offers flexibility while maintaining fairness. 

3. Location Matters:

Cost-of-Living Adjustments:  Salaries should be adjusted based on the cost-of-living in the employee's location. This ensures a comparable standard of living across your international team.

4. Investing in HR Tools:

Global Salary and Benefits Data: Utilize HR tools that provide information on suggested salaries, and total compensation packages (including benefits and taxes) across various countries. This equips you with data-driven insights for informed decision-making.

Remember: Competitive compensation attracts and retains talent. By paying fairly and offering transparent structures, you can build a strong, motivated international team without breaking the bank. 

Navigating the Legalities of Hiring Internationally in 2024

Building a global team comes with legal considerations, but there are simplified options to navigate these complexities. Here are the three main approaches to hiring international employees legally in 2024:

1. Establishing a Local Entity:

Pros:  Suitable for long-term, large-scale expansion plans (20+ hires in a single country). Offers full control over the employment process.

Cons: Time-consuming and expensive to set up, requiring local partnerships for payroll and benefits. Consider using a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) for co-employment and managing administrative tasks.

2. Partnering with an Employer of Record (EOR):

Pros:  The fastest and most cost-effective option for short-term or initial hiring needs in a new country. EORs handle payroll, benefits, taxes, and compliance, allowing you to onboard employees in days, not months. Some offer additional services like relocation assistance and stock option management. No need to establish your own legal entity.  

Cons: Not ideal for long-term, large teams in a single country (costs become higher than establishing your own entity). Consider transitioning employees to your own entity once established. EOR fees can vary. Choose an EOR with a flat fee structure to avoid percentage-based charges that can escalate costs.

3. Hiring International Contractors:

Pros:  Quick access to international talent without extensive onboarding. It may require payments in local currencies. A good option for short-term needs.  

Cons: Not suitable for long-term solutions.  Working with the same contractor for an extended period can trigger employee classification issues in some countries. Ensure you have clear, written contracts and regularly review agreements to avoid compliance problems. 

Choosing the Right Path

The best approach depends on your specific needs:

=> Long-term, large-scale expansion: Consider establishing a local entity with the help of a PEO.

=> Quick hiring, short-term needs: Partner with an EOR for efficient onboarding.

=> Short-term access to specific skills: Hire international contractors while being mindful of potential employee classification issues.

Remember, legal compliance is crucial.  Conduct thorough research and seek professional guidance if needed to ensure a smooth international hiring experience.

Hire globally for sustained growth.

The global landscape is constantly shifting, and economic downturns are inevitable.  But for forward-thinking companies, these challenges present opportunities for growth.  In 2024, the key to sustainable success lies in expanding your hiring horizons and embracing a global talent pool.

Why Hire Internationally?

  1. Cost-Effectiveness:  Hiring in underserved markets allows you to attract top talent without breaking the bank, offering a significant edge in today's budget-conscious environment.
  2. Diversity and Innovation:  A global workforce brings a wealth of perspectives and experiences to the table, fostering a more creative and innovative work environment.
  3. Access to Top Talent:  The global talent pool is vast. By venturing beyond traditional hiring grounds, you gain access to a wider range of highly skilled individuals, ensuring you find the perfect fit for each role.
  4. Long-Term Growth:  Building a diverse and adaptable team prepares your company to weather economic storms and thrive in a constantly evolving global market.

Investing in a Sustainable Future

Hiring internationally isn't just about acquiring talent; it's about creating a win-win situation. Offering fair compensation and ensuring compliance with local regulations demonstrates your commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.  This, in turn, fosters a loyal and motivated workforce and builds a strong employer brand that attracts top talent across borders.


In today's interconnected world, building a sustainable future requires a global perspective. By embracing international hiring, you unlock a world of possibilities, secure a competitive edge, and empower your company to navigate any challenge with a diverse and talented team by your side. So, don't be limited by geography. Hire beyond borders and watch your business soar.

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